
Bryan Densley

Audio is my passion, and I bring that fire with me to every project I work on, big or small. You can hire an engineer who can push buttons and move faders, or you can hire an artist who knows that a great film is a delicate balance between visual and audio. Lucky for you, I’m both. Because I have been a musician and composer for 25 years, I think of all the sounds in a film as a musical score. I have dedicated my education and resources to provide the highest quality tools for your projects.

Some cool people we've worked with


I ask questions early to make sure we are on the same page. I want to understand your vision so it becomes mine and together we can conquer the media world. As questions come up along the way, I don't hesitate to ask.


I offer competitive rates to give you the biggest bang for your buck. I've been doing this for years, so you can be assured you're not wasting your money on me learning my craft. I work quickly and efficiently and get down to business so you can focus on what you need to.


It is always important to get things done on time. If under a tight deadline, I can prioritize the most crucial sound elements first and work my way down the list so you get the best product in the amount of time we have.


Super stunning visuals and great cinematography are mediocre when matched with sub-par sounds. With me, you don't have to worry. You'll get professional audio with professional results that we all can be proud of.

Let's Work Together